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6 ways to increase financial capacity for church planting

6 ways to increase financial capacity for church planting

Ways to increase financial capacity for church planting Notes from Tasmanian Church Planting Conference elective, Joe Towns, 19 October 2016 on “Ways to increase financial capacity for church planting”: Church Planting involves money. It involves money before hand, during, and for some time after. This elective explores how we can get the church finances geared up …


Why plant new churches? One out of every two Louisiana residents surveyed indicated no “personal relationship” with Jesus Christ. That means over 2,244,000 people without Christ. Most new churches start with the sole purpose of reaching people without Christ. New churches open up new fronts on the spiritual & cultural needs in every community.  “The single …

Leadership Quality Self-Assessment

Leadership Quality Self-Assessment The Scriptures list the qualities required of leaders in the church.  In an effort to assess your suitability for leadership, please rate yourself according to the degree in which you believe that you demonstrate the attitudes, virtues, habits, and vices listed below by circling the number which most accurately describes your consistency. …

Church Planting Self Assessment: ARE YOU A CHURCH PLANTER?

“How do you spot a church planter?”  “What does a church planter look like?”  Many believe the number one reason why church plants fail is the selection of the wrong planter.  Therefore, wrestling with this question of what a church planter looks like is extremely important for those leading a church planting movement.  Unfortunately, this …

Congregational Assessment Inventories

Congregational Assessment Inventories Over the past thirty-four years many hundreds of churches have used Hartford Institute’s congregational inventories to assist in their pastoral search and church planning efforts. Our three basic surveys and reporting forms are user-friendly and reflect the insights from the most recent up-to-date social science research on congregations.  Recently we instituted an online …

3 common demotivators

This doesn’t surprise me based on similar research showing that bad behavior at work has a much stronger influence on company morale and productivity than good behavior does to counteract it. All of this theory is well and good, but are there common demotivators you can eliminate in your workplace? Lack of clarity and communication – When …