Author archives is a FREE web tool that networks pastors with leading ministry experts to helping churches grow. The website’s algorithm analyzes church influence and reach within the community based on: (1) your survey results, (2) your local demographics and (3) leading ministry expertise combined with national church trends.

3 Steps to become a Top 20 church in your area

Dear Pastor, You and your church have been chosen among the first 100 congregations in the U.S. to participate in the launching of a new and innovative web tool that can help you improve your church influence in the local community. This is how it works:  Go to to check if your church is among the Top 20 in your area …

Cyber Monday for Your Church

Happy Cyber Monday! I don’t know about you, but my inbox & social media have been inundated with ads for Cyber Monday. As millions of Americans are searching for great deals on this Cyber Monday, do churches have an opportunity to reach all of that internet traffic? This year we’re offering a Cyber Monday discount. … 2.0 NEW Church Influence Score Calculator is ALL NEW! We have taken special care in rolling out the 2.0 version of the website with a brand new approach to measuring and assessing the social influence of your ministry. This includes new church influence tools and inventories in: church trends church scores top 20 area assessment new team of experts finances … 2.0 NEW Top 10 Churches Near You Finder

Most of the top 20 churches in your area are listed below. If your church is not among the top 5 in your area, we can help you improve your influence. Click here to see Top 10 churches near you: Average of 83% are able to find only the top 5 churches near you/li> Less than …


Some highlights from today’s episode include: A vision statement is God’s specific plan for a specific church at a specific time. Too many vision statements are abstract and don’t click with the people in a church. The vision statement of your church should mirror your church’s discipleship process. Every ministry in your church should align …