1. Church Online Will Become An Advance, Not Just A Supplement To Or Replacement For Church
2. Preachers Will Preach Less Often
3. Experience Will Trump Content
4. Passion Will Beat Polish
5. Only The Most Engaged And The Curious Will Attend
We help churches growâ„¢ | Test your church to see how
1. Church Online Will Become An Advance, Not Just A Supplement To Or Replacement For Church
2. Preachers Will Preach Less Often
3. Experience Will Trump Content
4. Passion Will Beat Polish
5. Only The Most Engaged And The Curious Will Attend
Brother Troy Day where do these “predictions” come from? Statistics, experience, the Lord. One or all is ok by me. just trying to understand how much wight to give these statements. From what I understand we need more gospel preaching not less. Unless you’re speaking of a “team concept” but even with teams there is more than one speaker in a service.. Isn’t there?
– from Siberia
Well it is both I think the church of Daniel Blaylock and others in this group use such analysis to improve church growth and rightfully so. The 2 Disruptive Church Trends we see over and over more than the other are
2. Preachers Will Preach Less Often
3. Experience Will Trump Content
Maybe others will confirm the same with their churches?
I agree Troy. I don’t think #2 & #3 you’ve mentioned should scare us as Pentecostals. One reason I preach less often is because the Holy Spirit sovereignly takes the service a different direction than the planned “order of service”, and He always has the right of way!
I also believe that a genuine encounter with the living God has been one of the hallmarks of our movement, and remains a key to our continued growth. I remember a few sermons I’ve heard over the years, but I can recount to you in vivid detail mighty outpourings of the Holy Spirit that I’ve encountered in Spirit-filled meetings over the past twenty years.
(By the way Troy, I haven’t forgotten about chasing down that policy statement on the other post; it’s just youth camp season, and I’ve been snowed under.) Next week will hopefully afford me a little more time. 🙂
Scare? – hardly. Concern us – very much so
I read it backwards my apologies. It is disruptive to preach less.
You can’t trump a pole.
But can you poll a Trump? Stan Wayne
I was coming back to reword it. “It’s hard to trump a pole” nice speech? Enter Tribalism? Nationalism?
Sad about The AG. I would guess no 4.