Tag «church»
Make Church Safe Again
The One Thing I Miss Most About Being a Pastor
The Proactive Church

When putting together a video that powerfully moves people the most important element to that video is a great audio track. The following project demonstrates this principal with a simple looping background product available here combined with the “Sirius” track by Allan Parsons Project (avaialable from itunes) and a message on the Victory of the Cross of …
4 common church types across the nation from the 2018 State of the Church in America
Statistics collected in a 5-year period between 2013-2018 from among over 350 North American Congregations More upcoming 2018 State of the Church in America Mainline Ministry Characteristics 5 more common church types across the nation 3 financial characteristics of the average church in America College education take over church leadership 4 leading types of pastor’s …

Remember when you could tell two churches that split: Harmony Baptist Church and Greater Harmony Baptist Church? Those days are gone. But what has not changed is that many churches have commonalities in names. In their attempts to be different, they have become common: “Point” has become ubiquitous. LifePoint. CrossPoint. Add an “e” to be …
5 Bad Habits that Hinder Church Growth
How 5 Bad Habits Hinder Church Growth DOWNLOAD NOW There’s no quick fix growth strategy for churches, but there are 5 things you should avoid at all cost. This ebook will help your church with the difficult process of self-evaluation and point out practical fixes to get you back on track for positive church growth.
Memorial Day: Does your Church have a Legacy Plan?
Is your church ready for GDPR?
You’ve probably heard about GDPR. The new European data protection regulation that applies practically to everyone enters in power on May 25, 2018. Especially if you operate a church or ministry website, it’s most likely that there’s already a process for getting your systems in compliance with the regulation. GDPR in effect adds to or …