Tag «culture»

Why 2022 Was the Year of My UNdoing (and Why I Want More Of It in 2023)

Why 2022 Was the Year of My UNdoing (and Why I Want More Of It in 2023)

In our western, modern culture, we’re productivity-oriented. We add. We rarely subtract. Subtraction isn’t normally used as a measurement of growth for us. For many of us, the most important question we can answer isn’t ‘what should I be doing?’ It’s w…

White Privilege, Social Justice, and the Humility Required to Move Forward

White Privilege, Social Justice, and the Humility Required to Move Forward

Join me in being quick to listen to those who have experienced racism first-hand, slow to speak rebuttals, and slow to get defensive or angry. In our culture, we’re experiencing the slow death of empathy. Let’s reverse that trend. Listen and love and l…

9 Strategies for Creating Leadership Culture

9 principles that will help leaders create a culture of leadership development. Build culture not leaders. The reason most churches have a leadership deficiency today is because they fail to build a culture of development yesterday. Model leadership development from the executive level. The values of the leader become the values of the organization. Leadership …