Tag «success»

Why 2022 Was the Year of My UNdoing (and Why I Want More Of It in 2023)

Why 2022 Was the Year of My UNdoing (and Why I Want More Of It in 2023)

In our western, modern culture, we’re productivity-oriented. We add. We rarely subtract. Subtraction isn’t normally used as a measurement of growth for us. For many of us, the most important question we can answer isn’t ‘what should I be doing?’ It’s w…

Does Love Work as a Leadership Principle?

Does Love Work as a Leadership Principle?

As I stumbled for my alarm at 3:00 a.m. on my first day on the job as a street washer, I wondered what I was getting myself into. CBS had asked my company to participate in its hit reality show Undercover Boss. As the CEO of Herschend Family Entertainment (HFE) at that time, I’d agreed…

Do I Believe The Best In Others?

Do I Believe The Best In Others?

Do I believe the best in others? This is a question that I’ve been asking myself a lot lately. Because believing the best in others is not something to be assumed; you must be intentional in checking the lens you’re looking through when viewing others. John Maxwell teaches a simple exercise to help cultivate the…