It’s official … the fastest growing religious group in our culture are people who identify their religious affiliation as “none”. The acceleration rate of people identifying themselves in this category is breath taking. In the coming years you will increasingly bump into people who don’t identify themselves as having any “faith tradition” at all. Some potential issues for church leaders to think about on this are …
- Cool Alternatives Aren’t Enough // Offering a church service that is “better” than what people experienced when they were kids (and last attended church) isn’t enough to reach “nones”. Put it this way … if you’ve never been (and aren’t interested in) horseback riding the fact that there is a really cool stable in your town means nothing to you … you’re never going to check it out. We have to start our conversation with people in a totally different manner.
- Huge Opportunity // I see this as a massive evangelism and discipleship opportunity. The idea of not having to “unprogram” people negative past approaches to faith is exciting.
- Learn From Others // We need to stop looking to the south to learn from churches reaching people in communities with less “nones” than in the rest of the country. We should be looking to Canada, Europe and other cultures to find churches reaching those communities with the message of Jesus despite this cultural reality.
Praise the Lord.
The fact that the number of “nones” is growing can be misleading. Many believe these are people who have fallen away from the faith, when, in fact, many have left denominational situations. While they may not have religious affiliation, many remain strong believers.
this is actually a bit of old news – the nones were in the 90s and long gone replaced by the gones
Being in the ‘none’ religious group is still an affiliation with the devil. It’s either heaven or hell.
an unbeliever who reads John 3:16, believes Jesus as his/her personal Savior to guarantee him/her eternal life; but then cant find a local religious group who believes that; is affiliated with the devil and going to hell???
many nones will be left behind Gary Micheal Epping