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Is Religion In America in Decline?

Duke University sociologist Mark Chaves’ working title for his new book on trends in U.S. religion was “Continuity and Change in American Religion.” But the folks on the Princeton University Press marketing team suggested he could attract more attention with the bolder title: The Decline of American Religion. Chaves, director of the National Congregations Study, …

Is your church ready for GDPR?

You’ve probably heard about GDPR. The new European data protection regulation that applies practically to everyone enters in power on May 25, 2018. Especially if you operate a church or ministry website, it’s most likely that there’s already a process for getting your systems in compliance with the regulation. GDPR in effect adds to or …

Make your VBS amazing in 2018

Choosing VBS Made Easy. As you begin planning for the summer months ahead we want to make the process of choosing and ordering Vacation Bible School easier for you. So, we’ve partnered with the best ministries to offer you great deals and resources you can trust! Here are 4 curated VBS Starter Kits for you: Babylon Starter Kit …

The Church Impacting society through the Areas of Influence

THE CHURCH – IMPACTING SOCIETY THROUGH THE AREAS OF INFLUENCE By Roydon Loveley THE CHURCH IN SOCIETY TODAY The Church should be seeking to influence and change society. Unfortunately the general perception of the church in the media is that it is irrelevant and dying with just a few old ladies attending. Church leaders are …

National Church Survey to Reveal 2018 State of the Church in America

National church survey reveals important data about the state of the church in America today The survey has been conducted for the past two years in several hundred congregations from all denominations across the United States. All collected national trends provide information about essential ministry dynamics and characteristics of the local congregation like: Church Type …

Harvard Divinity School: The World Needs Thoughtful, Religiously Literate Leaders to Address Today’s Most Pressing Issues and Examine Change from our Perspectives

The World Needs Thoughtful, Religiously Literate Leaders Join us June 18 to June 21, 2018, for Harvard Divinity School’s inaugural executive education program: Making Change. LEARN MORE Address Today’s Most Pressing Issues • Study alongside leading scholars of religion and ethics. • Expand your positive impact on the world. • Reflect on life’s most profound …