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4 common church types across the nation from the 2018 State of the Church in America

Statistics collected in a 5-year period between 2013-2018 from among over 350 North American Congregations More upcoming 2018 State of the Church in America Mainline Ministry Characteristics 5 more common church types across the nation 3 financial characteristics of the average church in America College education take over church leadership 4 leading types of pastor’s …

America Is Becoming Less Christian, Less Religious

America is still a predominantly Christian nation, but it’s becoming both less Christian and less religious, according to the results of the new American Religious Identification Survey. According to the poll, which came out today, the percentage of Americans who define themselves as Christian has dropped from 86 percent in 1990 to 76 percent in 2008. In …


Remember when you could tell two churches that split: Harmony Baptist Church and Greater Harmony Baptist Church? Those days are gone. But what has not changed is that many churches have commonalities in names. In their attempts to be different, they have become common: “Point” has become ubiquitous. LifePoint. CrossPoint. Add an “e” to be …

The Religious and Social Crises and Political Consequences

The opening long decade of the 21st century (2000-2012) has been a period of repeated and profound economic and social crises, of serial and prolonged wars and declining living standards for the vast majority of Americans. How have people responded to this crisis? No large scale, long term, socio-political movements have emerged to challenge the …