Tag «introducing»
Introducing Church Influence Workshops

churchinfluence.com offers a unique approach toward increasing your church influence! A 1-day workshop looking at 5 areas of influence: family, church, education, business and media. Over 100 churches have used this as a growth tool since July 1, 2013. See the map of churches here: https://churchinfluence.com/churches/ We will be opening with events in South Carolina …
Introducing “Church Scores” – a revolutionary new way to measure your church influence

The average influence score of a church near [geoip_detect2 property=”city”], [geoip_detect2 property=”mostSpecificSubdivision.isoCode”] is: [typography font=”Cantarell” size=”33″ size_format=”px” color=”red”]58%[/typography] churchinfluence.com can calculate the general reach of your church influence by: Gathering social media reach from your area Adding your Twitter API mentions Checking your LinedIn social profile Combining with your Facebook followers and community page Comparing with …