Church should be the safest place in the world, but right now, it doesn’t feel that way. How can we make church safe again? Here are some big ideas.
The post Make Church Safe Again appeared first on Brandon Cox on Life, Leadership, and Entrepreneurship…
When we’re passionate about Jesus and helping others to come to know him, we desire to perform at our very best for an audience of One rather than for the watching crowd.
The post Lead with Excellence Birthed Out of Passion, not Perfectionism appeared…
Starting a blog could possibly make you famous. Or it might not. It doesn’t really matter. Fame isn’t the point. And, after all, how many people to you know who are famous simply because they started blogging? Okay, there are a few, but sti…
As I write this, we’re three days from our church’s big Grand Opening at our new location. Our church is seven years old. We’ve met in an office, a hotel, a college campus, two movie theaters, and for the last three years, a leased lo…
I did something a little scary recently. I launched a new business. Or, at least, I launched a new project within my business. I’ve been coaching leaders for quite a few years now, but recently I created The Digital Leadership Lab as an online hu…
I’m a leader. And it’s likely that you are too, whether you’re in an officially recognized leadership position or not. Leadership is influence, and it’s pretty much guaranteed you’re influencing people – employees, k…
There is a relationship that exists between a speaker / teacher / preacher and his or her audience. The entire experience is built on three pillars and whether people remember what you say and act on it depends on these three factors: ethos, logos, and…
You can’t save the world. That’s Jesus’ role and he has fulfilled and is continuing to fulfill it perfectly. But Jesus wants to involve YOU in his work of restoring, renewing, and refreshing those around you.
The post 5 Ways to Encourage a Pastor or C…
There is a LOT that I miss about being a pastor, but this is the one thing I miss the most!
The post The One Thing I Miss Most About Being a Pastor appeared first on Brandon Cox on Life, Leadership, and Entrepreneurship.
Be real with people, or be prepared to lose them. It’s hard. As Pastor Rick Warren wrote once, we all fight against three particular fears: the fear that we will be exposed for who we truly are the fear that we will be rejected the fear that we w…