Author archives is a FREE web tool that networks pastors with leading ministry experts to helping churches grow. The website’s algorithm analyzes church influence and reach within the community based on: (1) your survey results, (2) your local demographics and (3) leading ministry expertise combined with national church trends.

Digital Ministry Conference

The Digital Ministry Conference is designed to empower individuals with the vision, knowledge, and relationships necessary to be thoughtful stewards of digital technologies for the cause of Christ. Join us as we gather together like-minded people around one primary goal: to understand how we can use digital technologies to accomplish the missions of our organizations. …

Ministry Strategy Book

The Strategy Book focuses on how you can create powerful strategies to deliver success in a competitive world. It answers the following questions: What do we know about strategy? What can strategy do for you? How can you effectively use strategy tools? How can you engage people with strategy? How do you avoid pitfalls, problems, and …

FIND 2: Churches that want to reach young people have only young people involved

Churches that want to reach young people have only young, attractive people involved in visible ways. A band full of hipsters. A greeter core made of up college students who smile at other young people and get awkward with older folks. Video and photography that clearly reads “We are young, and we like people who …

FIND 1: Churches that want to reach young people have no young people involved

Churches that want to reach young people don’t actually have young people involved in any visible roles. No young staff members teaching from the stage. Few young greeters or leaders of groups. No young musicians or singers. Little if any imagery of young families on their websites. (Relevant imagery on church websites is hugely lacking… …

#BibleTech 2015

BibleTech explores the intersection of Scripture and technology, showcasing the innovative work of people working in this space everyday. And you’re invited! From April 30 through May 2, come rub shoulders with other like-minded developers, Bible scholars, linguists, and database experts. BibleTech attendees work every day to apply the power of technology to biblical scholarship. …

National Church Survey to Reveal State of the Church in America Today

National church survey reveals important data about the state of the church in America today The survey has been conducted for the past two years in several hundred congregations from all denominations across the United States. All collected national trends provide information about essential ministry dynamics and characteristics of the local congregation like: Church Type …