Tag «Church Answers»

Seven Things You Can Do to Become a Better Leader

Seven Things You Can Do to Become a Better Leader

If it hasn’t happened already, it won’t be long before a new generation of leaders are being tapped on the shoulder to step into service in their church or organization. In November 2022, the Federal Reserve shared an article titled “The Great Retirement Boom,” which details the rise in retirement during the era of the…

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Churches Are Getting Less of Total Charitable Giving—Here’s Why (And What You Can Do About It)

Churches Are Getting Less of Total Charitable Giving—Here’s Why (And What You Can Do About It)

For decades, the church has lost ground with overall charitable giving. Charitable giving is up—a near record of $485 billion in 2021, despite surging inflation. Giving to churches has dropped even though giving to non-profits is up by 4%. In the early 1980s, churches received over half of all charitable giving. Today, churches receive less…

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My Greatest Surprise about Churches Seeking Consultations

My Greatest Surprise about Churches Seeking Consultations

I’ve done church consulting for decades now. Over the years, I’ve worked with churches of various sizes, multiple denominations, differing polities, and diverse locations. I’ve learned a lot over the years.  Some patterns are generally the same among these churches, which doesn’t surprise me. Some examples are that most churches are not doing evangelism well,…

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Five Reasons Why the Disappearance of the Offering Plate Is So Significant for Churches

My childhood memories are vague. Still, I do recall with some surprising detail the passing of the offering plates in my first church. I never questioned its validity or efficacy. It was just something churches did. Most churches used an offering plate or its equivalent prior to the pandemic. Now, most churches do not. It…

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What Is Our Story?

What Is Our Story?

How can Americans, and American Christians in particular, work toward a more comprehensive and equitable national narrative for all? The exclusivist aspects of the core narratives that have defined the United States make clear that we need a new narrative. We need a general consensus of values and a feeling that we’re part of the…

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Building a Building Committee

Building a Building Committee

When a ministry is growing and it’s clear more space is needed, most leaders know it’s time to assemble a building committee. However, many quickly realize assembling the right team can be significantly more challenging than identifying the need for one. A building committee created in haste using anyone available or only those with specific…

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Ten Bad Church Work Habits Every Pastor Should Avoid

Ten Bad Church Work Habits Every Pastor Should Avoid

A habit is an ongoing tendency with a pattern of behavior that is difficult to change. Bad habits can develop in church workplaces like in any other place of employment. I’ve assembled a top-ten list of some common bad work habits among church leaders. 1. Procrastination. It’s harmful at any level, but the effects of…

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7 Steps to Structure Your Guest Follow Up Process

7 Steps to Structure Your Guest Follow Up Process

In a recent post, I talked about the importance of following up with first-time guests (FTGs). On either side of that process, there are often assumptions: the assumption from the guest is that if they give a church their contact information, someone will actually follow up. The assumption from the church (or church staff member)…

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10 Reasons I Would Seek to Raise Up Staff within My Church

10 Reasons I Would Seek to Raise Up Staff within My Church

More and more churches are deciding to raise up staff from within their congregation. While I wondered about that direction when it first began to gain steam, I have come to see the value of it. Here are 10 reasons I encourage you to consider this option: You likely know them better than outside hires….

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Five Reasons Why Decreasing the Number of Worship Services Might Be the Best Move

Five Reasons Why Decreasing the Number of Worship Services Might Be the Best Move

For years, the conventional wisdom has been that increasing the number of worship services is the best path to go. You rarely heard leaders advocating decreasing the number of services. The concern is that the reduction of choices results in lower overall attendance. So, don’t consider going from three Sunday morning services to two or…

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