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Barna Group: What People Want in a PASTOR

Barna Group: What People Want in a PASTOR

The following research is based on the survey of Barna Group, What People Want (1997). We asked 100 people of the most important qualities of the pastor, and they answered: 1. Makes decisions which are in the best interests of the people, even if those decisions might not be popular (29%) 2. Trains and develop …

Church Growth Characteristics


Growth begins with investment in a process which will cause change. Churches which experience dynamic growth focus on the following important dynamics: (1) Genuine experiences of the presence of God; (2) High level of self-motivation; (3) Unified vision and purpose; (4) Clear goals; (5) Pioneering or establishing a precedent; (6) Finding people in the community …

Working the Pareto Principle Around Church Leadership

Working the Pareto Principle Around Church Leadership

One of the most frequent concerns we hear, when working with congregational transformation, is “We don’t have enough people to do all the ministries.” Interestingly, when we investigate, we’ll hear these same words from both staff and volunteers – as well as from church members who are only marginally involved. Using the Pareto Principle as …

80/20 Rule of a More Effective Church

80/20 Rule of a More Effective Church

Why do businesses still turn to this century-old axiom to solve problems? Because we’ve learned that it doesn’t just apply to Italy’s economy. It applies to most things involving humans, money and time. In this case, it may mean that the 20 percent that matters when it comes to increasing giving in your church may be …

The 80/20 Christian

The 80/20 Christian

Excerpted from The Rest of Your Life (Zondervan) Remember the 80/20 rule? Italian economist, Vilfredo Pareto, first noted the principle that 20 percent of our efforts produces 80 percent of our results, and vice versa. And the rule (which is actually not a rule at all but a useful working generalization) extends into every nook …

The 80/20 Rule CAN Transform Your Church

The 80/20 Rule CAN Transform Your Church

Applying Pareto’s 80/20 Rule in the Church The 80/20 Rule is counter-intuitive to how most ministers think. They assume the critical 20% is doing OK, then they should spend their time on the 80% that is not doing, giving or attending as much in comparison. The life of Jesus provides a clear example of wisely …