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Cyber Monday in Your Church

Cyber Monday in Your Church

Happy Cyber Monday! I don’t know about you, but my inbox & social media have been inundated with ads for Cyber Monday. As millions of Americans are searching for great deals on this Cyber Monday, do churches have an opportunity to reach all of that internet traffic? This year we’re offering a Cyber Monday discount. …

Ways Giving Thanks Improves Your Life

Ways Giving Thanks Improves Your Life

There are a lot of myths around the first American Thanksgiving in 1621, but one thing is for sure. The Pilgrims were lucky to be alive, and they knew it. “Eleven months earlier the Pilgrims had arrived at the tip of Cape Cod, fearful and uninformed,” says Nathaniel Philbrick in his history Mayflower. “By all …

5 leadership lessons John Calvin understood

5 leadership lessons John Calvin understood

Calvin understood that people are transformed by truth We live in an age where technique is king and pragmatism is queen. The church has fallen prey to this vicious cycle. We tend to do what works and invest in what brings results. Steve Lawson writes, “The church is always looking for better methods in order to reach the world. But God …

5 leadership lessons from Martin Luther who changed the church through pulpit and a printing press

5 leadership lessons from Martin Luther who changed the church through pulpit and a printing press

31 October 2017, the world celebrated the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. This momentous and seminal occasion in Western civilization was examined by both Protestants and Catholics. On the 501st anniversary, it’s a good time for all leaders – secular and religious – to review the life lessons of Martin Luther – for insight and inspiration. …

The View from the Pulpit

The View from the Pulpit

The study shows how pastors and church leaders are thinking about discipleship. When asked to choose the single method of discipleship they believe is most effective, church leaders tend to select small group formats (52%) nearly two-to-one over discipleship pairs (29%). For good or bad, small groups are the disciple-making format preferred by most of …

Discipleship as a Solo Activity?

Discipleship as a Solo Activity?

Christian adults are split on their preferences when it comes to models of discipleship: small group, one-on-one or individual (solitary) format. Among Christians who say spiritual growth is important, more than one-third say they prefer to pursue spiritual growth on their own (37%). Similarly, two in five of all Christian adults consider their spiritual life …

Motivations for Discipleship

Motivations for Discipleship

One of the implications of these findings is that church leaders must be diligent in finding tools that help people examine the reality of their spiritual growth, not merely how they perceive it. Motivations for DiscipleshipEven though people may not be fully in touch with their level of growth, what motivates people to grow in …

To Grow or Not to Grow?

To Grow or Not to Grow?

Practicing Christians are more likely to be involved in a variety of spiritual growth activities than are non-practicing Christians. (You can read a definition of practicing Christians below.) Yet, even among practicing Christians, fewer than half are engaged in these four types of spiritual development. Only 17 percent say they meet with a spiritual mentor …