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WHAT is Post-Christian?

Post-Christian: To qualify as “post-Christian,” individuals had to meet 60% or more of the following factors (nine or more). “Highly post-Christian” individuals meet 80% or more of the factors (12 or more of these 15 criteria): Do not believe in God Identify as atheist or agnostic Disagree that faith is important in their lives Have not …

Your Website Does Matter

Your Website Does Matter

Even if you’re fully engaging your members in church, you still need a church website. Why? According to Grey Matter Research, 17 million Americans who don’t regularly attend church visited a church website. While most are searching for church hours or programs, 26% are streaming video and another 26% are streaming audio. So yes, a website …

High Bible Engagement in 2020

High Bible Engagement in 2020

 High Bible Engagement Another comforting statistic is that half of Americans consider themselves Bible users. According to Barna, this includes people who engage with the Bible on their own at least 3-4 times a year. On the other hand, only 32% never engage with a Bible. Overall, this shows that more people are interested in exploring …

Churches Need Videos in 2020

Churches Need Videos in 2020

Churches Need Videos Think uploading your sermons online isn’t important? Want to stick with text-based blogs only? Think again! Pro Church Tools found that 72% of people online prefer to learn by video over text. So, go ahead and upload videos to help guide members and visitors online. Short Videos Are Preferrable Outside of sermons, which people …

The Coming Pastoral Crash

The Coming Pastoral Crash

I don’t want to be a prophet of doom, but as a minister in touch with many ministers, I see a coming pastoral crash. And I’m not sure we can stop it. The impact of the world response to COVID-19 will be felt for many years to come. It will be felt in every career …

Supreme Court rejects to limit church services

Supreme Court rejects to limit church services

WASHINGTON — A divided Supreme Court on Friday rejected an emergency appeal by a California church that challenged state limits on attendance at worship services that have been imposed to contain the spread of the coronavirus. Over the dissent of the four more conservative justices, Chief Justice John Roberts joined the court’s four liberals in turning …

Tony Morgan: Got a Strong Plan to Re-Open Churches?

Tony Morgan: Got a Strong Plan to Re-Open Churches?

Think You Have a Strong Plan to Re-Open? Here’s What MOST Churches Are Missing (Based on conversations with 100+ pastors) I’m still surprised my team agreed to publish this… I’ve been thinking about (okay, stewing about) some things for the last few weeks. It’s probably an indication that I’ve spent way too much time on …