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What’s the Point of an Online Church?

First, let me say that I like the phrase “church online” more than “online church.” Your church should be online, but I don’t think it should be an online church. As such, people should be transitioned from an online community to a physical one whenever possible, without abandoning the online aspect. Some people can’t get to …

Top 5 Churches That Use Social Media Best

Mars Hill Seattle ( – Beyond the sometimes polarizingly, yet magnetic personality of teaching pastor Mark Driscoll (@pastormark), the church has a very sizeable audience engagement on not just Facebook and Twitter, but also podcasting, Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube, said Chuang. The private church-based social network The City ( traces its origins to Mars Hill. based …

Illegal Content: Is Your Website Breaking the Law?

Wednesday October 28th at 11:00AM ET Tune in to hear from Taboola’s global legal and policy team in a webinar about how the new space of content discovery falls under traditional advertising law. Deputy General Counsel & Head of Legal, Shelly Paioff; Global Content Policy, Jason Kessler; and Global Policy Manager, Adam Chen join to …

How To Run an Online Bible Study

“3 for Free” – Use EZview Conferencing free for web conferences and online meetings of up to 3 participants. What’s the Catch? – None. “3 for Free” EZview Conferencing does not require a credit card and has no limits on how often you have online meetings, how long those meetings run, or how long you …

TOP 10 Reasons to Use Google Hangouts for Churches

Unlimited Post/Video Length Edit Your Posts/Videos Hangouts On Air Hangouts – normal hangouts are a great way for staff meetings and devotionals Over 250 Million Users have “upgraded” to Google Plus. Visibility – Google Plus increases your church’s visibility and ranking in search engine results Add someone to your circles without asking for permission Google’s “Data Liberation” gives …

One Handy Trick (Recurring or Scheduled Events) when using Google Hangouts for Churches

This is a handy and helpful trick for recurring and/or scheduled events when using Google hangouts for churches: If you want to repeat the same event each week, click the down-pointing arrow in the “Details” pane of your event, then click “Duplicate event.” This will give you a slightly different bit of iframe code to …