Tag «Membership & Assimilation»

9 Realities for Your Church in 2022

Nine Realities Your Church Will Face in 2022

Presuming we get on the other side of COVID by the end of this year, the picture for churches in America is mostly clear. Of course, none of us can know the future with certainty, and another COVID spike could change the conversation dramatically. Still, we see nine realities your church will face in 2022….

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5 Reasons Your Church’s Giving Is Increasing

Five Reasons Your Church’s Giving Is Increasing Even Though Attendance Is Lower

“Our attendance is down 20 percent, but our giving is up 10 percent!” We hear similar comments like that one frequently. When the first quarantine began, there was a clear and valid concern that churches would not have the funds to continue their ministries and keep their staff. Then the surprise came for some churches….

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4 Simple Steps You Can Take Right Now To Grow

Four Simple Steps You Can Take Right Now To Grow Generosity At Your Church!

We see it happen all the time… A church is struggling to meet their operating budget. Yet, they also have some pressing capital needs and wonder if it is even possible to raise that kind of money. In faith, they launch a capital campaign to fund a much-needed facility improvement, and, to the leader’s amazement,…

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How to Handle the Unsolvable Problems that Inevitably Arise in Your Church

How to Handle the Unsolvable Problems that Inevitably Arise in Your Church

No leader can solve every problem.  Some problems have staying power. And good leaders admit it when a solution to a problem will not come to fruition. Allow me to offer you two perspectives—one from the solution side and the other from the problem side. 1. Leaders can select the right problem to solve but…

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The Quarter-Time Church Member: 5Observations

The Quarter-Time Church Member: Five Observations

The Quarter-Time Church Member: Five Observations If your church is typical, over one-half of your members attend one out of four weeks or less. I am convinced that the decreasing commitment of church members to their local churches is one of the greatest problems in our culture today. More than polarized politics. More than petty…

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Hospitality Can’t Take a Vacation

Hospitality Can’t Take a Vacation

If you’re in charge of the guest services team at your church, chances are good that you are already feeling the pinch of summer. After a year like no other – and with lowering COVID numbers and rising vaccination rates – people are ready to escape the house and the monotony of the last 15…

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Seven Ways to Thank Donors to the Church without Knowing Their Identities

Seven Ways to Thank Donors to the Church without Knowing Their Identities

Nonprofits that aren’t churches can have a significant advantage over churches in donor development. Almost every leader of a nonprofit that isn’t a church knows precisely what everyone gives. He or she can then thank them personally and appeal to them in the future. But what do church leaders do if they do not have…

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Can I Be an Effective Pastor If I Don’t Like Management?

Can I Be an Effective Pastor If I Don’t Like Management?

Can I Be an Effective Pastor If I Don’t Like Management? Pastors are not managers, at least in a corporate-business-world-publicly-traded-company-sort-of-way. But pastors are shepherds. And shepherds manage sheep. Leading a church involves management. A church hierarchy assumes management. And most churches—even smaller congregations—are not completely flat in structure. Even at the most basic level, churches…

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Why Do Some Churchgoers Stick with Bad Pastors?

Why Do Some Churchgoers Stick with Bad Pastors?

Most pastors work hard, love their churches, and would sacrifice their lives for the people they lead. If you are reading this article for ways to get back at your pastor, then it’s likely you’re the problem, not your pastor. But there are some bad pastors out there. Why do people stay with them? There…

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12 Strange Foods Brought to Church Potlucks

12 Strange Foods Brought to Church Potlucks

Many churches still have potluck meals. Some have them once a week; others celebrate this tradition once a year at a homecoming event. I remember them well in some of the churches where I served as pastor. One of the most challenging issues for me occurs when a church member asks me to try his…

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