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The Most Important Leadership Tool

The Most Important Leadership Tool

Who or what do you lead? There are books, conferences, blogs, podcasts, and masterclasses on how to be a better leader, but we often forget that the person we lead first and most is the one in the mirror. It is easy to spend all of our time trying to figure out the next strategy…

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Five Ways to Honor the Past While Not Losing the Future

Five Ways to Honor the Past While Not Losing the Future

I once caught a deacon throwing choir robes out of the second-story window into a giant fire on the ground below. “What’s going on?” “Fire hazard.”  By the look and smell of the robes, I agreed and went about my business.  There were probably one hundred burning robes in the fire—enough for every person in…

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Strengthening Online Worship Beyond the Pandemic

Strengthening Online Worship Beyond the Pandemic

Lovett H. Weems Jr. says a continued commitment to online worship is not a hindrance that detracts from in-person worship but rather a vital way to reach new people and accomplish the church’s mission. But as this new worship option continues to evolve, congregations must commit to mastering the medium by learning, seeking feedback, and […]

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10 Questions to Develop Transformative Ministry Innovation

Meghan Hatcher outlines 10 guiding questions at the heart of a five-phase theological innovation process that helps churches develop, launch, and implement creative new ministry ideas. She shares how one Texas church employed this process, developed by the Innovation Laboratory, to design a new way of addressing an epidemic of teen anxiety and stress. Successful […]

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How to Evaluate Your Church’s Discipleship Program

How to Evaluate Your Church’s Discipleship Program

*This article is an excerpt from Disciple: How to Create a Community That Develops Passionate and Healthy Followers of Jesus. Some months ago, I published the book Disciple: How to Create a Community that Develops Passionate and Healthy Followers of Jesus. In that book, I point out that many churches that think they’re disciplemaking churches…

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Leading Topics: Leadership and Vision

Leading Topics: Leadership and Vision

Discerning a New Vision to Guide Your Church Forward In this first Special 20th Anniversary Edition of Leading Ideas we re-present some of the most pertinent and popular articles on leadership and vision. “The very essence of leadership,” according to longtime president of Notre Dame, Father Theodore Hesburgh, is that “you have to have vision. […]

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