Tag «church»

Developing Leaders in the Church

Success is an interesting thing. Unless we clearly outline metrics and define what success actually looks like, it’s up to the eye of the beholder. So the programmatic rat race in most churches continues. Most churches merely exist to keep running their programs and services. They are not developing leaders intentionally and consistently. When leaders …

6 ways to increase financial capacity for church planting

6 ways to increase financial capacity for church planting

Ways to increase financial capacity for church planting Notes from Tasmanian Church Planting Conference elective, Joe Towns, 19 October 2016 on “Ways to increase financial capacity for church planting”: Church Planting involves money. It involves money before hand, during, and for some time after. This elective explores how we can get the church finances geared up …


Why plant new churches? One out of every two Louisiana residents surveyed indicated no “personal relationship” with Jesus Christ. That means over 2,244,000 people without Christ. Most new churches start with the sole purpose of reaching people without Christ. New churches open up new fronts on the spiritual & cultural needs in every community.  “The single …