Tag «church»
5 Steps for Strengthening Church Organizations

BY TONY MORGAN | GROWING STRATEGIES Many churches are stuck because they have ignored the importance of organizational health. I’m sure that they never intentionally plan to create an unhealthy environment but I see it happening pretty frequently. Churches quickly find themselves in a place where there are ministry silos operating independently of one another. Competition, jealousy, lack of passion …
7 Warnings for Church Leaders on Social Media

Social media is a two-edged sword. It can be used for good or great harm. And it can harm the ministries of those in Christian leadership. So, whether your platform is a blog, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Google Plus, or many others, please note these seven warnings. Indeed, it is my prayer that you will …
Coming to Church and BECOMING the Church
Why Nobody Wants to Go to Church Anymore

Saturday, June 21, 2014 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM (EST) Strong Tower Christian Church 467 West Patrick Street Frederick, Maryland 21701 United States Event Details THE BOOK THAT WILL FOREVER CHANGE THE WAY YOU THINK ABOUT CHURCH. The statistics are clear: The American church is in decline. People are leaving in astounding numbers, with no sign of a turnaround. And despite …
Build your own church app

Conduit Mobile makes it super easy to build your mobile app, but do you really understand why your business needs one? We’ve put together a comprehensive course that will teach you everything you need to know about putting your business on mobile. You’ll graduate the eCourse knowing: Why and how an app can benefit your business The …

When putting together a video that powerfully moves people the most important element to that video is a great audio track. The following project demonstrates this principal with a simple looping background product available here combined with the “Sirius” track by Allan Parsons Project (avaialable from itunes) and a message on the Victory of the Cross of …
Grant-Writing 101

As part of its series “Innovations in Counseling: Working With Minority Populations,” the NBCC Foundation invites you to a no-cost webinar Thursday, April 24, 2014, from 2-3 p.m. EDT. The Innovations in Counseling training series was specifically designed to meet the training needs of NBCC Minority Fellowship Program (MFP) Fellows. This session on grant writing …
A Twitter Action Plan: Top Tips for Your Church

All sessions start at 2 pm EST/11 am PST. Take part in the conversation by following the #TwitterSproutTips hashtag on Twitter. Up Next A Twitter Action Plan: Top Tips for Your Business March 27, 2014 • 2:00 pm EST/11:00 am PSTDiscover best practices for managing your social business, ways to measure performance and strategies for …