Tag «ways»

6 Ways Church Assessment can Change Your Church

Failure to thoroughly or consistently review aspects of the church will have a negative impact on the organisation in multiple ways. In contrast, when a church embraces an intentional review process there are a number of benefits: 1. An intentional church assessment process provides key information that can be catalytic for the growth of the …

10 Ways to Reach the Unchurched for Christmas

The biggest mistake many churches make each Christmas is to hold a quiet Christmas Eve or Christmas Day service for members and leave it at that. That makes Christmas the biggest missed opportunity of the year. Unchurched people want to celebrate Christmas. Here are ten ways your church can help them. 1. Hold multiple services Not …

6 ways to increase financial capacity for church planting

6 ways to increase financial capacity for church planting

Ways to increase financial capacity for church planting Notes from Tasmanian Church Planting Conference elective, Joe Towns, 19 October 2016 on “Ways to increase financial capacity for church planting”: Church Planting involves money. It involves money before hand, during, and for some time after. This elective explores how we can get the church finances geared up …

5 Ways to Deal With the Whiners

1) Get away from them. Move your desk and if possible, change your office. Just the geographic change can make a significant difference. Most of the time, whiners vent on who’s nearby, so don’t be an easy target. 2) Switch the conversation. Ask them opposite questions, like, What’s working? What’s going well? Turn the talk …

5 More Ways to Use Google Hangouts for Churches

Stream your sermons and bible studies LIVE on YouTube, record it and publicize it via this powerful social video network Hold an interactive Bible Study and ministry meetings that can also be recorded Have interactive Counseling sessions where legally applicably Broadcast special events, conferences, webinars and online training Podcasts done quickly with the MP4 file created …